# TJKBasic Hugo Theme This is the hugo theme used on [tjkeller.xyz](https://tjkeller.xyz). The theme was made from scratch. This is really just meant as a reference for those who would like to replicate some features from my site. I would prefer if you did not just copy + paste my theme on your own site. Nobody likes a copycat, so that would be lame! I wouldn't even recommend using it as a starting point to build off of since I believe that I have benefited greatly by starting from scratch. However, I still believe that having it up as a reference could be useful for those who would like to start from scratch, but are having difficulty implementing specific features, etc. Because of that, I am hereby graciously releasing this theme unto the unwashed, liberal masses under the GPLv3 licence! I am entrusting you (the public) to more or less respect my wishes, but I of course don't mind if you copy certain portions, etc. so long as you don't rip off my entire site. Also, check out the `hugo.yaml` file. It contains some settings that you need to include in your main `hugo.yaml` to make it function correctly for some reason.