# minitab.nvim Minitab is a minimal lua reimplementaion of the tabline render function with some improvements. It consists of only ~80 lines of code. Minitab started as a fork of [`alvarosevilla95/luatab.nvim`](https://github.com/alvarosevilla95/luatab.nvim) ## Features * Text only rendering * Size/position of tabs doesn't change while switching between them * File paths are not shown * Smart handling of module files (e.g. `init.lua` => `module/init.lua`) ## Example bar ` +2 README.md | minitab/init.lua | + [No Name] | ~/docs/src/ | newrw | zsh | TelescopePrompt ` The above text demonstrates or less what you can expect from this plugin's default tabline rendering. ## Install Using a [`lazy.nvim`](https://github.com/folke/lazy.nvim) module ```lua return { url = 'https://git.tjkeller.xyz/minitab.nvim', config = true } ``` ## Configuration The plugin calls the `helpers.tabline` function to render the line. It uses the other functions and constants defined in `helpers`. You can pass overrides for any of these in `setup`. Please see `lua/minitab.lua` for details. Example: ```lua require("minitab").setup{ modifiedC = "*", separator = function(index) local sepC = "><" if index == 0 then sepC = "<" elseif index == vim.fn.tabpagenr('$') sepC = ">" end return '%#TabLine#' .. sepC end, } ```