/* TOP BAR */ #navigator-toolbox{ --uc-navigationbar-width: 40vw; } /* Remove overflow button */ #nav-bar-overflow-button { display: none; } /* remove alltabs button */ #alltabs-button { display: none; } /* Change background color of toolbar */ #navigator-toolbox-background { background: var(--toolbar-field-border-color) !important; } /* Fix vertical spacing of tabs */ #TabsToolbar { margin-top: -1px; } /* Move new tab to far right */ #tabbrowser-arrowscrollbox-periphery { margin-left: auto; } /* Media queries for width of nav bar */ @media screen and (max-width: 1000px){ #navigator-toolbox{ --uc-navigationbar-width: 50vw; } } @media screen and (max-width: 800px){ #navigator-toolbox{ --uc-navigationbar-width: 60vw; } } /* Change look of tabs in smaller view */ @media screen and (max-width: 800px){ .tab-background { margin-block: .2em !important; } #TabsToolbar{ margin-left: 5px; } } /* COMBINE TOP BAR */ /* Combine top bar into single line if width >= 800px */ @media screen and (min-width: 800px){ :root { --uc-toolbar-height: 36px; /* Half height bar */ } /* Modify these to change relative widths or default height */ #navigator-toolbox{ margin-bottom: 0px; } #titlebar { margin-top: 2px; } #TabsToolbar{ margin-left: calc(var(--uc-navigationbar-width) + 2px); /* Resize tab bar */ margin-top: -4px; margin-bottom: 2px; } /* Tabs extend to bottom of bar */ .tab-background { margin-bottom: 0 !important; margin-top: 2px !important; /* See above navbox rule */ } /* Center tab buttons */ #tabs-newtab-button, #alltabs-button { margin-top: 4px !important; } /* Integrate url / nav bar */ #nav-bar{ margin-right:calc(100vw - var(--uc-navigationbar-width)); margin-top: calc(0px - var(--uc-toolbar-height)); border-radius: 0 var(--tab-border-radius) var(--tab-border-radius) 0; border-right: 1px solid ThreeDShadow !important; box-shadow: 0 0 4px rgba(0,0,0,.4) !important; } /* 1px margin on touch density causes tabs to be too high */ .tab-close-button{ margin-top: 0 !important } /* Make opened urlbar overlay the toolbar */ #urlbar[open]:focus-within{ min-width: 50vw !important; } /* Remove min and max width of urlbar */ #urlbar-container { width: 0 !important; } /* Fix customization view */ #customization-panelWrapper .panel-arrowbox .panel-arrow{ margin-inline-end: initial !important; } /* Shorten findbar */ findbar { width: 600px !important; border-radius: 0 0 0 5px; border-bottom: none !important; box-shadow: 0 2px 4px rgba(0,0,0,.4); /* Move down 2px so it doesn't go over the tab bar */ } } /* FINDBAR */ findbar { width: 100vw; position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; padding: 0 !important; padding-top: 1px !important; background: -moz-headerbar Field !important; border-top-width: 0px !important; border-bottom: 1px solid ThreeDShadow; } findbar .findbar-container { padding-bottom: 5px !important; /* Move search bar closer to left edge */ padding-top: 2px !important; /* Move search bar closer to left edge */ height: max-content !important; gap: 2px; justify-content: space-between; flex-wrap: wrap; } /* Force textbox to fill up first line */ findbar .findbar-textbox { width: 100% !important; background: Field !important; /* Set the background color to be consistent with found-matches label when unfocused */ } /* Hide description showing wrap conditions etc. */ findbar description { display: none; } /* Move found matches label (roughly) into the textbox */ findbar label.found-matches, findbar description { position: absolute; top: 6.5px; right: 110px; color: color-mix(in srgb, -moz-headerbartext, transparent 46%) !important; /* So this text overrides the text below, TODO find a more elegant solution */ padding-inline: 1ex; background: Field; } /* Show description when it says "Phrase Not Found" */ findbar description[status=notfound] { display: inline-block; } /* Force checkboxes onto second line */ findbar .findbar-container hbox { width: 100%; } /* BOOKMARK BAR */ @-moz-document url(chrome://browser/content/browser.xhtml){ #PersonalToolbar { background: -moz-headerbar Field !important; border-top: 1px solid ThreeDShadow !important; } /* Space out bookmark items */ .bookmark-item .toolbarbutton-text { padding: 2.5px 4px; } }