-- use another colorscheme if running as root if os.getenv "USER" == "root" then vim.cmd.colorscheme "koehler" return {} end return { "ellisonleao/gruvbox.nvim", enabled = vim.opt.termguicolors._value, priority = 9001, config = function() vim.o.background = "dark" local gruvbox = require("gruvbox") local colors = gruvbox.palette gruvbox.setup({ italic = { strings = false, emphasis = true, comments = false, operators = false, folds = true, }, invert_selection = true, contrast = "hard", palette_overrides = { light0 = "#ffffff", -- use white instead of the default off-white for text light1 = "#ffffff", dark2 = "#363636", -- darker whitespace characters }, overrides = { CursorLine = { bg = "#282828" }, -- dark0 (non hard) Directory = { link = "GruvboxGreenBold" }, -- treesitter overrides (more similar to builtin python syntax highlighting) -- treesitter selectors can be overridden per language using @selector.language ["@variable"] = { link = "GruvboxFg0" }, ["@punctuation.bracket"] = { link = "GruvboxFg0" }, ["@punctuation.delimiter"] = { link = "GruvboxFg0" }, ["@keyword.import"] = { link = "GruvboxBlue" }, ["@function"] = { link = "GruvboxAqua" }, ["@function.method"] = { link = "GruvboxAqua" }, ["@function.method"] = { link = "GruvboxAqua" }, ["@attribute.builtin"] = { link = "GruvboxGreenBold" }, ["@attribute"] = { link = "GruvboxGreenBold" }, ["@operator"] = { link = "GruvboxRed" }, ["@variable.member"] = { link = "GruvboxFg0" }, ["@variable.parameter"] = { link = "GruvboxFg0" }, ["@function.call"] = { link = "GruvboxPurple" }, ["@function.method.call"] = { link = "GruvboxPurple" }, -- rainbow delimiters colors RainbowDelimiterRed = { fg = "#ff4433" }, RainbowDelimiterYellow = { fg = "#ffff22" }, RainbowDelimiterBlue = { fg = "#66f3ff" }, RainbowDelimiterOrange = { fg = "#ffaa00" }, RainbowDelimiterGreen = { fg = "#99ff44" }, RainbowDelimiterViolet = { fg = "#aa00ff" }, RainbowDelimiterCyan = { fg = "#22ddff" }, -- TODO italic string start / end --["@string_start"] = { italic = true }, --["@string_end"] = { italic = true }, }, }) -- set colorscheme vim.cmd.colorscheme "gruvbox" -- fix todo comment highlighting (here instead of theme overrides since this replaces the bg w/ default) vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "Todo", { fg = "#ffffff", bold = true }) end, }