// ==UserScript== // @name fill prefs piped // @namespace Violentmonkey Scripts // @match https://piped.tjkeller.xyz/* // @grant none // @version 1.0 // @author tjkeller.xyz // @description 8/16/2024, 6:10:21 PM // ==/UserScript== // all skip options (if any are to be set) must be present to avoid player errors const skipOptionsDefault = { sponsor: "auto", intro: "no", outro: "no", preview: "no", interaction: "auto", selfpromo: "auto", music_offtopic: "auto", poi_highlight: "no", filler: "no" } // fill localStorage { key: value } with preferred options // any preferences not filled with be default const prefs = { bufferGoal: 30, dearrow: true, enabledCodecs: "avc", homepage: "feed", quality: 720, showWatchOnYouTube: true, watchHistory: true, skipOptions: JSON.stringify({...skipOptionsDefault, ...{ intro: "auto", poi_highlight: "button", filler: "button", }}), } // setup localStorage for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(prefs)) localStorage.setItem(key, value)