#!/usr/bin/env zsh setopt +o NOMATCH # Non-existant wildcard matches won't produce an error # Zsh scripts (load general scripts, then host specific scripts, then scripts with ! prefix) (loaded later = higher priority) for zscript in "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/zsh/zscripts"{/[^\!]*.zsh,/hosts/*.$HOST.zsh,/!*.zsh}; do source "$zscript"; done 2>/dev/null # Colors! + Prompt autoload -U colors && colors [ -z "$PS1OVERRIDE" ] && PS1="${PS1PREFIX}%B%F{${colbr:-red}}[%F{${colname:-yellow}}%n%F{${colat:-green}}@%F{${colhost:-blue}}%m %b%F{${coljobs:-white}}%1(j.[%j] .)%F{${coldir:-magenta}}%U%~%u%F{${colbr:-red}}]%f%b%(!.#.$) " # Cd settings setopt AUTO_CD # `cd` is implied when path is entered # History settings HISTFILE="${ZHISTFILE:-$HOME/.zhistory}" HISTSIZE=500 # Max lines of history loaded into memory for each zsh session SAVEHIST=10000000 # Max lines of history saved to HISTFILE before overwriting setopt EXTENDED_HISTORY # Save superfluous info with command to reduce disk writes when using INC_APPEND_HISTORY or SHARE_HISTORY setopt HIST_IGNORE_DUPS # Successive duplicate entries ignored setopt HIST_IGNORE_SPACE # Entries with leading space aren't stored in histfile setopt HIST_REDUCE_BLANKS # Remove superfluous blank characters before saving setopt INC_APPEND_HISTORY # Create entries after each command, not after zsh exits setopt SHARE_HISTORY # Share history between zsh sessions # Input/output settings setopt INTERACTIVE_COMMENTS # Comments won't be interpreted in an interactive shell # Disable bell unsetopt BEEP zplugInitialize # Load zsh plugins using zplug; goes last