AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
10 dayschange shell env in nix shellHEADmasterTim Keller1-1/+4
10 daysnix-shell zscriptTim Keller2-1/+10
10 dayschange term back to st and add electrum xdg configTim Keller1-1/+2
10 daysupdate terminal emulators cwd in precmdTim Keller1-6/+3
2025-01-06add suspended jobs to promptTim Keller1-1/+1
2024-11-17aliases for awesome dir and http serveTim Keller2-0/+2
2024-11-09nixos shortcut and fix nvim shortcutTim Keller1-1/+2
2024-10-20make default wm awesomeTim Keller1-0/+1
2024-10-18initial commitTim Keller25-0/+505